
Dusk is my favorite time to walk around the garden. I love the way the colors of flowers pop  as the sun starts to set. We have been having some beautiful sunsets the past week and the garden gets bathed in a bright hazy light.

Didiscus caeruleus, Scabiosa stellata ‘Stern Kugel’, and Mentzelia lindleyi at dusk.

Nicotiana mutabilis and Moluccella laevis at dusk.



Garden Critters!

One of the best things about creating a garden is all the critters you attract.

I’ve already talked quite a bit about the California quail and their babies visiting the garden.

The other day I found this cool spider hanging out among the bells of Ireland.  Does anyone know what type it is?

This morning I was watering and noticed something big scurrying away out of the corner of my eye.  It appears I had soaked a poor praying mantis.  It climbed up on some Convolvulus to dry off and catch something tasty.

For a while I was lamenting the fact that no hummingbirds were visiting my garden. I’m happy to say they finally found me.  This little guy is often perched on the Cantua buxifolia where he can quickly defend the nearby Nicotiana mutabilis from bees and rival hummingbirds.  Kind of funny that I went out of my way to plant lots of orange and red flowering plants to attract the hummingbirds and their favorite is the pink and white Nicotiana.

So what are your favorite garden critters?  Anything exciting visiting your garden this summer?